
M.Bassy invites contemporary African and African-inspired artists and creatives to Hamburg to celebrate cultural encounters and exchange in design, visual arts, fashion and music.


15. 9. – 10. 11.2024
»Food, Art & Activism:
Nourishing Ourselves and Each Other«
with Minia Biabiany, Tracey Rose, Ramata Coulibaly, Binta Diaw, Luiza Prado
CATPC – Congolese Plantation Workers Art League a.o.

Tracey Rose, Ciao Bella (2001) (still). Three-channel colour video triptych, stereo audio. 16 min. Courtesy the artist.
TRACEY ROSE Ciao Bella, 2001 Rear projection 3-channel colour video triptych with stereo audio speakers 16’ loop

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