M.Bassy invites contemporary African and African-inspired artists and creatives to Hamburg to celebrate cultural encounters and exchange in design, visual arts, fashion and music.
»Composing While Black.
Afrodiasporic New Music Today«
with Harald Kisiedu, George E. Lewis
Daniele G. Daude, The String Archestra
Kodwo Eshun & Elaine Mitchener

Previous program
»Sea Salt Troubled Waters« with "Fox Albra" Fabien Bidaut & "lafleur" Julien Fleurance Sigismeau
»Making Wor(l)ds. Contemporary African Diasporic Women Writing in Europe« mit Jackie Thomae, Lọlá Ákínmádé Åkerström & Samila
»Food, Art & Activism: Nourishing Ourselves and Each Other« with Minia Biabiany, CATPC – Cercle d'art des travailleurs de plantation congolaise, Ramata Coulibaly, Binta Diaw, Luiza Prado de O. Martins, & Tracey Rose
»From Seed…to Sheltering Tree« Talk & Screening with Darlène Kassem in conversation with Jumoke Olusanmi, Culinary Performance by Luvinsky Atche
Minna Salami in conversation with Musa Okwonga
»Beyond AI: Resistance & Coexistence« with Minne Atairu, Nkhensani Mkhari, Jazmin Morris, Vanessa Amoah Opoku & Linda Dounia Rebeiz
»AI: African Intelligence« a Film by Manthia Diawara
»Two Lizzards | Sharing One Stomach« co-kuratiert by Modzi Arts, Lusaka/Zambia with Lawrence Chikwa, Isaac Kalambata, Mapopa Hussein Manda, Maingaila Muvundika, Agness Buya Yombwe & Lawrence Yombwe
Kopano Maroga – JESUS THESIS
Akua Naru »all about love: new visions«
Tsitsi Dangarembga in conversation with Musa Okwonga
»Who Are We if Not Nature« with Karimah Ashadu, Zana Masombuka, Zohra Opoku, Buhlebezwe Siwani and Carrie Mae Weems
Reading with Musa Okwonga -
»In the end, it was
all about Love« -
Reading with Melanie Raabe »Die Kunst des Verschwindens«
Reading with Max Lobe »Vertraulichkeiten«
»Haunted waters, healing spaces« with Memory Biwa, Meghna Singh, Greer Valley, Robert Machiri and …thabo thindi
28.-30.10.22 fluctoplasma X M.Bassy
Sammus at M.Bassy
Book Release & Talk with Lerato Shadi
Lindeka Qampi – »Gated communities«
»I AM BECAUSE YOU ARE«: NFT & CRYPRO ART AS SOCIALLY ENGAGED ART PRACTICES with Osinachi, Lerato Shadi, Sea Novaa, Nikomambo and Tristan Littlejohn
Book Release with Bisrat Negassi
04/2022 Artist in Residence: Moussa Sarr
M.Bassy Sessions #3 with b.elle
01/2022 – Artist in Residence: Sea Novaa
M.Bassy Sessions #2 with Moyo Ray
»M.Bassy Cinema Series #1«:
M.Bassy Sessions #1 with JNR Williams
GODDESSES OF HEALING mit Tabita Rezaire, Berni Searle, Buhlebezwe Siwani & Lorna Simpson
»Afropa - Visions of a joint future of Africa and Europe" Talk with Heba Y. Amin
RE-ENACTMENT OF THINGS with Nana Oforiatta Ayim, Zandile Darko, Aino Moongo & Sarah Lasaki, Anne Schönharting, Lerato Shadi, L.I.N.E.S (former YOUNG DC), Wura-Natasha Ogunji, Jumoke Olusanmi u.a.
12.09-10.10.2021 – »Talking Mirrors« exhibition with Georges Adéagbo, Eliane Aïsso, Ishola Akpo and Thierry Oussou
Reversed Exploration #2 with Amina Zoubir
by Yolanda Gutiérrez with Moussa Issiaka (Lomé/HH) -
Exhibition Lerato Shadi – Mabogo Dinku
ARCHIVING THE MO(VE)MENT #2 with Okhiogbe Omonblanks Omonhinmin
9.11-29.11.2019 – Ausstellung »Untold (Hi)stories«
Decolision #3 with Onejiru & Mable Preach
Asmara – City as a dream
Decolision #2 with Afrob
Decolision #1 mit Keziah Jones
Queering Spaces mit hFACTOR, Lagos
Syowia Kyambi at M.Bassy
Happy Anniversary Dinner mit K.Zia
Ent-Kolonial gestalten
Ovizire • Somgu: From Where Do We Speak?
Planet Kigali – Roundtable
Fonko, Filmscreening & Talk mit Regisseur Lamin Daniel Jadama und Sister Fa.
Embryo at M.Bassy
Savvy Contemporary at M.Bassy
Somi at M.Bassy
Alex Heide – uncertain sound
Fatoumata Diawara unplugged
Identity–This Unfinished Conversation #1
24.02 - 17.03.2018 – »Afrofuturism is now«
More Aphrike #6 with Victoria Okoye, Logo Oluwamuyiwa Adeyemi & Emeka Ogboh
More Aphrike #5 with Taiye Selasi and Bill Sellanga
More Aphrike #4 with Xuly Bët & Sunny Dolat, The Nest Collective
More Aphrike #3 – Corinna Sy & Stephen Burks
More Aphrike #2 - Andrew Dosunmu & Andy Okoroafor
More Aphrike #1 – Helen Jennings & Alassane Sy
Reading with Melanie Raabe
Musik & Talk mit Patrice Bart Williams
Sira Niame (Marché Noir) & Bisrat Negassi
Lifestyle-Collage Soweto, curated by Anja Gerin
Afrofunk-Jam with Karl Hector & The Malcouns
Nadine Hounkpatin and Laurent Gudin present the exhibition of Roger da Silva
Musik & Talk mit Sway Clarke
Debra Shaw & Alessandro Sgobbio