

Linda Dounia Rebeiz, »Once Upon a Garden : The Garden at Dawn«, 2022, video

16.5.2024, 7:00 pm – What Is AI Doing to Art?

The third edition of the AI series by ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS focuses on artificial intelligence and art. Can AI create “real” art and how creative is the tool? How and where can it be used in the artistic processes, and what is the potential of works created with the help of AI? Who is actually the author then? What are the implications of bots and algorithms that shape our world view, also in relation to historical narratives and manifestations of colonial power inequalities?

The composer, director, computer scientist and professor Alexander Schubert, the multi-award-winning interdisciplinary artist Vanessa Amoah Opoku and Dorothea Winter, philosopher, author and AI scientist at the Humanistische Hochschule Berlin will discuss these and other exciting aspects of AI, its artistic possibilities and limits, together with the audience at M.Bassy e.V..

Moderation: Nelly Y. Pinkrah, media and cultural scientist, TU Dresden and Leuphana University Lüneburg.

The live talk is embedded in the exhibition »Beyond Al: Resistance & Coexistence« which features works by five outstanding AI artists from the African continent and diaspora: Minne Atairu, Nkhensani Mkhari, Jazmin Morris, Vanessa Amoah Opoku & Linda Dounia Rebeiz. The selection of works includes installations, video works and performative settings produced in collaboration with AI processes.

Admission free. All information on registration: HIER

16.05.2024, 7:00 pm
Location: M.Bassy, Schlüterstraße 80, Hamburg
There is only a very limited number of seats available!
Please plan your visit of the exhibition before the start of the live talk.
The exhibition space will be open for registered visitors from 2 pm on the day of the event.

Background of the AI series:

The live talk format »What Is AI Doing to Art« is part of a new series of five events on artificial intelligence organized by ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS. Be it in relation to truth, media, education, democracy, art or age: entitled »What Is AI Doing to...?« together with the audience and interesting guests the series will address central questions about how AI is changing our society now and in the future.